How technology could revolutionise the future of renting

How technology could revolutionise the future of renting

Blog Article

A revolution has been promised for UK homes. From smart meters to the internet of things, the near-future could see the way we live change dramatically. But one thing that is also set to change is where we live; the number of people who rent rather than own is soaring.

Households living in private rented property have already more than doubled in number since 2001 and analysis from PricewaterhouseCoopers suggests that more people will rent privately in the UK than own with a mortgage by the year 2025.

But some landlords have been slow to adopt home technologies that don’t directly benefit their bottom line, such as adding insulation to their properties to bring down tenants’ bills. (The smart home revolution launched by Google and Nest for example, has struggled to get off the ground.) That's despite the fact that certain technologies increase efficiencies for both landlords and tenants, and could transform renters’ homes perhaps even more quickly than homeowners see updates.

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